Monday, February 21, 2011

Dear recycled Trish Stratus

This week marks the start of healthier eating habits, which meant tonight for watching RAW, I was not allowed chips, brownies or anything covered in icing. My fiance, supporting my mission to obtain a stronger physique, came home with Kashi GOLEAN bars, specifically for our wrestling watching tonight. They were actually really good and full of protein and fiber, which gave a nice full feeling. Plus chocolate and peanut butter flavors being involved makes anything taste good. *Note to Kashi GOLEAN bar eaters - have a glass of almond milk on stand by (or whatever milk you drink. I happen to drink Almond Breeze - Unsweetened Vanilla, so of course will recommend).

I was excited to learn that Trish Stratus returned to the WWE scene last night, to reveal she will be used in a new capacity, as one of the trainer's on the new Tough Enough season. Very much looking forward to that, since she was such an amazing example of what the women's wrestling genre can produce. Since she's been out of action, I found out that she opened up a yoga studio in Canada. Guess who is also a fan of yoga, and has a little yoga section set up in my work out area? Yep, that's right, moi. Oh, and she also dyed her hair brown - but that part is less important.

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