Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad and the Reese's cups you left on my counter

This week began my getting my body used to exercising. I did butt exercises, courtesy of Natalia's workout tips on her site. And yes they were listed as BUTT exercises. Did dumbbell squats, (granted, the weights I have are only 3 pounds, but I haven't gotten to the sports store to get heavier ones yet) a butt bridge, and I attempted tuck jumps, but am not at that level yet, they are ridiculous! So all day yesterday my legs were killing me - not so much my butt - maybe your butt doesn't have the capacity to hurt that much? Not sure.

Healthy eating is going really well. Although my parents showed up at my house with an arm full of junk food two days ago and even though I explained my mission, they didn't care, or even seem to pay attention as I spoke. They left the food, and my father made a comment about the picture of Natalia Muntean after I showed him what I was aiming for. He of course said it was gross. Refer back to my last blog about men with beer guts for why I think he had that reaction. So I've started giving away the junk food - fished out the granola bars that were the only healthy thing in the whole lot, and continued on my way. They wont stop me, and neither will the Reese's cups.

Today's dinner - vegetable curry and rice. Being vegetarian makes it a lot easier to stick to healthy meal plans. I also weighed myself finally, and am 111 pounds. I'm probably about 5'2 - 5'3. Just wanted to get an idea of where I was starting. I hope to see that number go up with the muscle I *fingers crossed* gain.

This afternoon's workout also comes from Natalia's site. A whole body work out that includes things like deep squats, dead lifts and lunges. It feels good to have things to work on. Now when I can do push ups that aren't the "girl" version that all of us weaklings were offered to do as an alternative in gym class, I'll be thrilled. Get them knees off the ground ladies!

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